EducacionContinua.Net Website Privacy Statement
Part I. Introduction
EducacionContinua.Net(ECN) knows you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we''ll do so carefully and sensibly. This notice describes our privacy policy. We will collect and use information through our Web site only in the ways disclosed in this statement. By visiting our website, you''re accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice. This statement applies solely to information collected at EducacionContinua.Net’s Web site.
Part II. Information Collection and Usage
When you visit the EducacioncarContinua.Net website, the server automatically collects a limited amount of information from your computer essential for the sites operation and security. Information collected includes your computers IP address, the name of your Internet Service Provider, information concerning your browser and operating system, as well as the page visited prior to accessing EducacionContinua.Net website. This information is used to perform statistical analysis of user trends and interests and to help us make this site more useful to visitors. We collect the following general data that is not personally identifiable information: trail a user follows throughout the website, number of new visitors, number of repeat visitors, IP addresses, ISP names, browser and operating system information, etc. We collect demographic data in order to assist with our website design structure by viewing in an anonymous light the path that users tend to take through our website to find the information they need. EducacionContinua.Net does not continue tracking users after they leave our website, nor does EducacionContinua.Net attempt to associate specific personal information with visitors, though the possibility for doing so exists. EducacionContinua.Net is only interested in larger demographic trends in order to guide future website design and handle resource management. EducacionContinua.Net is not interested in building an information model about you as a consumer.
In browsing the major portions of our site, users do not need to provide any personally identifiable information about themselves. However, in order to proceed through certain segments of our website, EducacionContinua.Net collects personally identifiable information. In these cases information collected may include name, address, phone number, email address, and in cases where fees are involved, credit card number and expiration date, etc. Where financial information is requested, such as paying membership or course fees, credit card numbers and expiration dates are required for normal, routine processing of payment.Credit card information even though used for processing, is not stored in our website at any time.
EducacionContinua.Net does make limited use of cookies on its Web servers in some portions of our site, but not in any manner that could impinge on your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that our Web server places on a user’s computer hard drive as a unique identifier. Cookies enable EducacionContinua.Net to deliver customized content to users. Our cookies do have an expiration date; typically very shortly after the user leaves our site. Our cookies do collect personally identifiable information, as in the case of logging into a part of the website authenticated with our user ID and password system. Without cookies, users would have to resend their information to the server every time they requested a page within an area restricted to registered users. EducacionContinua.Net uses cookies in this case to simplify the browsing experience. EducacionContinua.Net does not use cookies for any purposes other than what is listed in this document. The information we collect is not used to create customer profiles based on browsing history. We do not supplement information collected at our Web site with data from other sources.
EducacionContinua.Net does not share data with third parties unless required by law to do so.
Occasionally on the EducacionContinua.Net website, we offer links to other Web sites. Our online learning service feature links to external websites, including those of our affiliates and third party partners. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of any external website that you may enter from our site. Their standards may differ from ours, and we can take no responsibility for information collected on other sites linked to from our site.
Please be advised that our privacy policy may change over time. Users are encouraged to check it regularly.
Part III. Data Storage and Security
EducacionContinua.Net is dedicated to preventing unauthorized data access, maintaining data accuracy, and ensuring the appropriate use of information. We strive to put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to secure the information we collect online. To this end we use firewalls, data disconnection from the Internet, and regular backups.
EducacionContinua.Net reserves the right to remove any information deemed inappropriate or infraction of these terms of use at its sole discretion.
EducacionContinua.Net also reserves the right to terminate anyone’s access to our services without notice, at any time, for any reason.